A while ago I experimented with assigning multilingual what3words addresses to OpenStreetMap buildings in Sierra Leone.
I basically downloaded the OSM data, derived the buildings and their centroids and published a map based on CartoDB. Upon a click the what3words-API was queried for the addresses in multiple languages.
There are some obvious disadvantages to this approach.
- it operates on a static database - hence updates in the OSM database are not taken into account.
- it doesn't scale very well. According to taginfo there are currently > 157.000.000 buildings in the OSM database.
- A user would only want to query a few buildings of particular interest.
Just click on any building in the map and afterwards on the red dot, marking the center of the geometry. You can also search for a place/address of interest.
Ideas/things to improve:
- advanced geocoding functionality
- what3words geocoding support
- support for all what3words-languages
- API-error handling & notifications
- fine-tune the overpass-API calls (feature types, bbox)
- improve design
- ...
Also I'd love to hear feedback regarding the usefulness of this approach and/or real world applications using OSM data with what3words addresses.